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Dow Jones Industrial Average (inflation adj.)

Dow Jones IA (inflation-adjusted)

Between the year 2000 and now (April 2016) Dow Jones-Investors did not gain much. My personal opinion: The investors in the two decades BEFORE 2000 have taken gains from the future!

Inflation calculator (Dow Jones Industrial Average, 2000 - 2016)do your own calculations (e.g.)
hint: DJIA-level in the year 1984 +inflation-markup up to year 2000 (theory vs. reality)

Inflation-adjusted the Dow Jones Industrial Average did not really move the last 16 years (since the Boom-Peak in the year 2000). In the following chart a wrap-up of the period between 1970 and 2013 (DJIA then @ level of ca. 15k).

In the next chart one can see how the US-Stock Market in general performed on an inflation-adjusted basis again, since the time BEFORE the DJIA has even been created (1896). Great insight - the trend channel - from the year 1800 up until 2013:

inflation-calculator (online-tool):
Dow Jones Industrial Average year 2000 vs. year 2016 - article: