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Snapchat versus Facebook

Snapchat versus Facebook
(Status: HY1/2016)

Snapchat is coming up! Tumblr, Vine, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Linkedin – Nearly no one can reach the time spent by US-users on its platform. Only Facebook-users spend more time per month on its platform: ca. 1,000 minutes.

Snapchat versus Facebook (HY1/2016)

Photo-Sharing is being dominated by WhatsAPP (owner: Facebook) and Snapchat ("still" a private company). When talking about Video-Views per day Snapchat is playing in the same league like facebook:


Nobody has found the 'secret recipe' for successful video marketing. The most successful 'campaign' in 2016 was an average woman in her car wearing a Chewbacca mask...but following these Video-characteristics may help in achieving success:

1) Authentic
2) Entertaining
3) Evoke Emotion
4) Personal / Relatable
5) Useful
6) Viewer Control
7) Work with Sound Off
8) Non-Interruptive Ad Format

Sounds like Snapchat (and Instagram) doesn’t it? To drive the point home again, check out the 'daily video views' statistic above. Both Snapchat and Facebook are growing fast, but in Q1 2016, Snapchat averaged about two more 'video views per user per day' than Facebook.

Business/Marketing-people may think: Stay on Google and Facebook, but add Snapchat to the mix.

Ralph Gollner hereby discloses that he directly owns securities of the stock (Facebook) mentioned above (as per 4th June 2016).

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